
Showing posts from 2019

Got out for a run! Wahoo! It's been awhile. And I had to remind myself it's not about the distance or speed it's about getting out and pounding that trail. Fuck yea! #getoutside #momrunner #trailrun #getoutandmove #getoutandrun #exploreburunning #runner #riverviews #womanthatrun #getit #celebrateit #fuckyea

Got my new running shoes so had to test them! #zappos #brooksglycerin16 #momrunner #runthestreets #lovingtheseshoes #runforfun #trailruns #training #getoutside #poundthepavement #mommygottarun

Weekend getaway alone for a yoga workshop. Ran a new trail so fun to explore new spaces! #spokane #rimrockpalisades #trailrun #weekendgetaway #alonetime #getoutside #runningmom #veiws #springruns #trailrunningviews #mommygetaway