Nourishing Acts

This has been a question I'm asking myself, what is a nourishing act that I can do on a daily basis that builds up myself worth and increases my energy flow. I ask this because my daughter's father has left to go visit family in Zambia for a month, and I stayed home. So, in order for me to stay filled up I need to explore what nourishing acts I need to do. The word nourishment feels soft, fulfilling, energy giving and comforting. These small acts of nourishment wrap me in a soft warm blanket that allow me to surrender myself to be feed. As a woman I get caught up in the doing of things that deplete me. 

So, I have created mini spaces within my home that hold space for these nourishing acts to happen. I need to create these spaces as a way to get out of my routine and mind. This also makes me be more successful and committed. I have also made a calendar of which days I do certain routines. I know this may seem a little much but I am a visual person and like to cross things off it increases my self confidence that I am sticking the the acts! I am also flexible and change if my mood or body needs something different. 

Here is my nourishing acts! 

I have created a workout space in our garage to do cross fit 1 day a week. It's a very small space but it works because I can turn up my music while my daughter sleeps. 

I wake up in the morning make my coffee and read an easy fiction book that takes me to another persons life. (right now I am reading Elizabeth Berg Open House) 

3 days a week I run with my daughter which allows me to burn off any built up steams. We switch up where we go so I stay motivated! 

Before bed I read a book that nourishes my feminine energy, a short yoga sequence and I meditate. These help bring my energy down for bed and feed my mind with positive thoughts before I sleep. 

                                                   A hike on the Olympic Peninsula
